How To Get The $1 Trial
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If you want to try out our platform before committing to a monthly subscription, we have a $1 trial for 7 days. With this trial, you'll get the following:
600 Universal credits (Can be used across the app)
Search intent classification and rankings (Part of clustering)
Clustering: 1 credit/keyword (up to 600 keywords)
Clustering, Search intent classification and rankings 2 credits/keyword (up to 300 keywords)
Up to 6 Content briefs
Up to 3 AI Assisted Writer assists
Up to 60 keyword research searches
Up to 24 SERP Similarity searches
Up to 60 SERP SERP Analyzer searches
Up to 60 Title AI searches
The first step is to head to and sign up for a free account. You can sign up using your email or Google account. Once signed up, go to the dashboard.
Click - Start trial.
In the next screen, click 'Start Trial"
Read the terms carefully and click Start Trial again
Please fill out your credit card details and click Pay.
You will be redirected back to the app home page. You can the trial status here.
You can see your credits and all other offerings here.
You will have 7 days to test the tool. After this time, all your credits and other offerings will reset, and access to the tool will be restricted.
At the end of the trial you will be automatically downgraded to pay as you go version of the tool. You won't be charged anything unless you decide to sign up for one of our subscription plans.