Data storage and limits

What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, we will delete your data after 14 days from your end-of-billing date.

All of your data is permanently deleted, and we will never be able to recover the data for you.

Please make sure to export and back up your data.

What happens to my Pay-as-you-go clustering projects?

Your Pay-as-you-go clustering projects will be automatically deleted after 30 days. Please make sure to export your projects within 30 days of running your order. We will send you several emails to remind you to export and back up your projects.

How do I check the project deletion deadlines?

We will give you two warnings during your cancellation.

We will display a banner with the dates within the application.

You can also see the full details on your subscription page.

We will also send you multiple emails asking you to export and back up your data. So, please make sure to take action.

Please be advised that failure to act on your part, resulting in the deletion of your files, will render us unable to recover them. In accordance with our terms and conditions and GDPR compliance, we bear no liability for any data loss.

Last updated