Clustering & Search Intent Credits

The credit system is used to cluster, get keyword search intent and get search volume for keywords.

You can use your credits to cluster keywords, get search intent and get search volume for your keywords via Keyword discovery.

Monthly subscription - You get X amount of credit per month; You can use your monthly quota on clustering keywords only. At the end of your billing cycle, any remaining clustering credits will be reset, and a fresh set of credits will be added. For example, for $58 per month (Basic package), you'll receive 12000 clustering credits. With these credits, you can effortlessly cluster 12000 keywords. But that's not all! Our offering goes beyond keyword clustering. You can also track your ranking without additional credit costs. If you want to get search intent for your keywords and clusters, there is an additional charge of 1 credit per keyword. This means that for just $58 per month, you can unlock the power to cluster and track rankings for 12000 keywords. With search intent, you can process 6000 keywords. Pay as you goβ€”Unlimited credits, top-up anytime, and with no expiration date! Use these credits exclusively for keyword clustering and enjoy the added benefit of free ranking tracking. (If you need search intent, there is an additional charge of 1 credit per keyword.) This is useful for users who want to use the tool occasionally but don't want to tie it into a monthly subscription.

Note: Accessing features like content briefs or writer assistant requires a monthly subscription.

How do you calculate credits for clustering?

The number of required credits depends on the insights you choose and the number of keywords you upload. 1 keyword = 1 credit. (Rank tracking is free)

If you enable search intent for your clustering, you have to pay one additional credit,

E.g.1, If you upload 40,000 keywords, you will need 40,000 credits to cluster them.

E.g.2, If you upload 40,000 keywords and select search intent alongside clustering, you will need 80,000 credits.

Top tip: Even if you're an occasional customer, we recommend you get the basic monthly subscription and buy additional clustering credits as a top-up whenever you need this way, you will get credits at a cheaper rate, and you will be upgraded to a lite version of our freemium SEO tools. (Such as SERP Similarity and SERP Explorer)

Last updated